Fields: Choose Detail Display Options

The Choose Detail Display Options fields are used to customize how the detail display information is to be presented to the patron.

When you create or modify a detail display, you must refresh the Discovery administrator database metadata cache in the Discovery server application. For more information, see Refreshing the search cache.

Displays > Detail Displays > Add Detail Display > Next > Next

Displays > Detail Displays > Edit icon > Next > Next

Sort Field

Specifies the child field by which the detail display information is to be sorted. The detail display may be sorted by one of the child fields in the Selected list of child fields. The default sort is None.

Collapse Duplicate Children

Specifies whether or not to combine rows of items with the same child field values in the detail display. By default, the Collapse Duplicate Children option is selected.

Suppose, for example, you have a title with 25 copies owned by the North library and 14 copies owned by South. Each copy at its respective library has the same material type and call number. If you choose to display Library, Material Type, and Call Number for items in the detail display and choose Collapse Children, when a user displays details, the software detects that the 25 North items all have the same display values and collapses them into a single row. The 14 South items are collapsed into another row.

Note: The Collapse Duplicate Children option will have no effect on the detail display if you select any other child fields that differentiate individual copies of a title from each other (for example, the Copy or Item Barcode child fields).

For more information, see Collapsing duplicate rows in detail displays.

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